6 programs found
- BSc
- Regno Unito
- Mezza giornata
6 programs found
In primo piano
University of Lincoln
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Psychology
- Lincoln, Regno Unito
Tempo pieno, Mezza giornata
3 anni
Nel campus
The BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Psychology degree at Lincoln aims to provide you with an opportunity to gain an understanding of the core concepts and practices in psychology in general, along with a level of specialised knowledge in forensic psychology.
In primo piano
University of Lincoln
BSc (Hons) Psychology
- Lincoln, Regno Unito
Tempo pieno, Mezza giornata
3 anni
Nel campus
Psychology brings together the scientific study of behaviour, mental health, and neurophysiological functioning in an attempt to understand what makes us human, and why we think the way we do. Lincoln’s BSc (Hons) Psychology degree aims to offer a broad and thorough foundation in psychology, exploring the science behind how we think, act, and respond to others through a range of topics.
In primo piano
University of Lincoln
BSc (Hons) Physics
- Lincoln, Regno Unito
Tempo pieno, Mezza giornata
3 anni
Nel campus
Physics is a fundamental science which underpins our understanding of the world around us, from distant galaxies to the smallest particles. The knowledge and problem-solving skills of physicists are vital to new discoveries and advances in science and technology. This course offers the opportunity to study a combination of fundamental and applied physics alongside rigorous mathematics and computational training. Teaching is informed by research, with the chance for students to work on real-world research projects alongside our academic staff.
In primo piano
University of Lincoln
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care
- Lincoln, Regno Unito
Tempo pieno, Mezza giornata
3 anni
Nel campus
Health and social care practitioners can make a profound difference in the lives of vulnerable people, working in a variety of settings including healthcare, education, and public health. The BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care degree at Lincoln takes an integrated approach, combining policy and practice. It aims to develop the knowledge, skills, and values required to take on many of the new and emerging responsibilities within a range of care sectors. Students are taught by researchers and academics with both practical experience and professional links in the sector. The School of Health and Social Care maintains close links with health trusts, local authorities, and numerous voluntary and private organisations to ensure that teaching is informed by the latest developments in practice and policy.
In primo piano
University of Lincoln
BSc (Hons) Construction Science and Management
- Lincoln, Regno Unito
Tempo pieno, Mezza giornata
3 anni
Nel campus
Globally we are facing unprecedented challenges in our built environment from changes in climate, technology, urbanisation, and population. This degree aims to produce professionals with the creativity and skills needed to identify and deliver solutions.
In primo piano
University of Lincoln
BSc (Hons) Computer Science
- Lincoln, Regno Unito
Tempo pieno, Mezza giornata
3 anni
Nel campus
The BSc (Hons) Computer Science degree provides students with the opportunity to develop the experience, skills, and knowledge to design and develop a variety of software and hardware computing solutions for real-world problems. Particular attention is paid to cutting-edge topics, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, in addition to core computer science disciplines. This aims to ensure that students' studies are at the forefront of research in the field and meeting the needs of the computing industry.
Tipo di corso di laurea popolare
Piano didattico popolare
Mezza giornata BSc Programmi in Lincoln, Regno Unito
Lincoln è una città in Inghilterra con una popolazione di meno di 100 mila, con uno che gli studenti di istruzione superiore terzi. Prime origini di Lincoln si trovano ad essere di età di ferro, intorno al 1 ° secolo aC, mentre i resti più significativi sono di epoca romana.
UK, Regno Unito è più di 300 anni e si articola in quattro nazioni costitutive: Inghilterra, Scozia, Galles e Irlanda del Nord. Il Regno Unito è stato un centro di apprendimento per gli ultimi 1000 anni e possiede molte università antiche e distinto. Gli studenti stranieri rappresentano una quota significativa del corpo studentesco nelle università del Regno Unito.
Le istituzioni accademiche di tutto il mondo offrono la possibilità di conseguire il BSc, o Laurea in Discipline scientifiche. Questa popolare laurea di primo livello è un valido aiuto nella preparazione degli studenti per il lavoro o per i corsi di laurea specialistici. In media il BSc dura da tre a cinque anni.
L'apprendimento a tempo parziale consente di ottenere una laurea o una qualifica anche se non si può frequentare la scuola a tempo pieno. Si può imparare al proprio ritmo, accumulando gradualmente crediti che contano per la qualificazione finale.