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KU Leuven: Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies (Leuven)
KU Leuven: Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies

Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies (Leuven)

Leuven, Belgio

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* The tuition fee for the 2018-2019 academic year will be determined in the spring of 2018

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Interested in the study of theology and religion? In Leuven, we offer an internationally renowned Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies. In a three-year program (full- or part-time) students are initiated in all areas that together constitute Christian theology; in addition, particular attention is given to the contribution of religious studies, classical and modern languages, and philosophy. In some cases students can be granted advanced standing and as such admission to the Abridged Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies (between 45 to 120 ECTS).

What is the Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies all about?

The Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies (also available part-time)will:

  • deepen your current understanding of the Christian tradition and the history of the Church;
  • improve your knowledge of modern and Biblical languages, philosophy and other human sciences;
  • help you re-examine your assumptions and critically deepen, broaden and mature your faith in conversation with contemporary culture;
  • prepare for a more specialized study in the Master's Program in Theology and Religious Studies following the successful completion of the Bachelor's Program.
  • This program can also be taken part-time.


The Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies has built a rich history and tradition ever since its founding in 1432. The Faculty focuses on training students and researchers in scientifically-based, and methodological reflection and application, where theology and religious studies mutually enrich one another. All of the Faculty’s programs are taught in both Dutch and English and are open to students of every nationality. The Faculty currently has students from more than sixty countries and thus from virtually every part of the globe.


The Theology and Religious Studies curriculum is aimed at the interdisciplinary and scientific study of the Catholic faith tradition in the context of a multicultural and multi-religious society and the world. Academic formation intended to prepare men and women to judge and act maturely in matters related to theology and religious studies ought not only to pass on the broad lines of the tradition of research in these domains but also to focus closely on developments in the various fields of study that contribute thereto. It is for this reason that the teaching programs offered by the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies endeavor to make a contribution to the overall formation and development of the students and to prepare them to engage in independent theological and interdisciplinary reflection on the Catholic faith tradition. At the same time, the programs also intend to stimulate interest in the mutual relationships between the various Christian churches and between Christianity and the other world religions.

This includes:

  • The development of an integrated reference framework via introductions to the primary disciplines of theology and religious studies and the philosophical and social sciences that facilitate reflection in theology and religious studies.
  • The development of basic capacities specific to an academic formation in theology and religious studies, including the combination of a broad scientific interest and a critical disposition with respect to the various ways in which the phenomenon of religion is presented and evaluated in the academy, in society at large and in culture.
  • Preparation for more specialized study in the Master's Program in Theology and Religious Studies following the successful completion of the Bachelor's Program.

Final attainment levels with respect to the Program of Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Religious Studies as a whole:

  1. knowledge of, and insight into the fundamental concepts and methods of theology in relation to its distinct methodological perspectives (literary-historical: biblical sciences, history of church and theology; systematic-theological: dogmatic theology, theological ethics; pastoral-theological).
  2. knowledge of, and insight into the fundamental concepts and methods of religious studies, inter-religious dialogue and the study of the major world religions.
  3. knowledge of, and insight into the fundamental concepts and methods of canon law.
  4. knowledge of, and insight into the fundamental concepts and methods of philosophy, social sciences and psychology with specific attention to the manner in which these disciplines endeavor to clarify and explain the phenomenon of religion.
  5. the capacity to apply the insights acquired in the theological and non-theological disciplines to problems, questions, and statements related to religion, fundamental life options and society.
  6. the capacity to analyze matters related to church and religion and locate them within a broader framework.
  7. the capacity to enter into discussion on matters related to theology and religion in a broader social context and to adopt a reasonable and responsible standpoint in such discussions.
  8. the capacity to independently and adequately assimilate literature (including foreign language literature) in the field of theology and religious studies.
  9. the independent composition of an annual paper under the guidance of a promoter. This implies the careful formulation of a well-defined research topic, the assimilation and analysis of the relevant literature, the provision of a coherent synthesis, articulation and evaluation of the insights contained therein and the adoption of an initial, critical perspective with respect to the acquired insights.
  10. the capacity to apply acquired knowledge and competencies in an elementary fashion in the contexts of teaching, liturgy, and pastoral work.
  11. the capacity to apply acquired knowledge and competencies in an elementary fashion to social issues.
  12. able to work autonomously and to collaborate.

Further Studies


  • Research Master: Master of Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion (Leuven)
  • Master of Theology and Religious Studies (Leuven)
  • Master of Society, Law, and Religion (Leuven)

When allowed:

  • Master in de theologie en de religiewetenschappen (Leuven)



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